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Nuno Godinho Nuno Godinho

The Future of Software Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly changing the IT industry, creating a new dynamic where human creativity and machine efficiency work together to reshape software development.

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Nuno Godinho Nuno Godinho

IT Nearshoring in Europe

The state of IT outsourcing in Europe, particularly nearshoring services, is generally robust and growing, driven by several economic, technological, and geopolitical factors. What is the strategic direction of nearshoring in Europe?

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Nearshore Nuno Godinho Nearshore Nuno Godinho

Nearshore in Lisbon and Porto

Meet our journey since 2017 and how we establish velv as a top leading nearshoring company, offering services from Lisbon and Porto in Portugal and how we are now expanding into Europe.

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Nuno Godinho Nuno Godinho

Our team, incredibly yours.

Velv has talent. We have known this for years. However, every now and then, we are pleasantly surprised to uncover even more hidden talents within our team.

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Nearshore Nuno Godinho Nearshore Nuno Godinho

Nearshoring in Mexico vs Portugal

As part of our international expansion strategy, understanding the pros and cons of each potential destination was crucial for us, as we needed comprehensive insights into various factors such as cost efficiency, skill levels, compliance, and regulatory guidelines.

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Nuno Godinho Nuno Godinho

Best Nearshoring Companies in Europe

What are the most important key factors when choosing a nearshore partner in Europe and how do we classify the best nearshore company in Europe.

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