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Nearshore Clara Cunha Nearshore Clara Cunha

Nearshoring in Portugal: Benefits and best practices

Nearshoring has become an increasingly popular option for companies looking to outsource their software development needs. One country that has emerged as a top destination for nearshoring is Portugal. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of nearshoring software development teams in Portugal, the best way to approach this service model, and end by referring to Velv as a high-quality company that specializes in software development.

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Nearshore Clara Cunha Nearshore Clara Cunha

Nearshoring is back to trends, why?

Let's dive into the dynamic world of software development. It's a bit like surfing: always moving, always exciting, and if you catch the right wave, it's just sooo satisfying. Waves come and go, and sometimes we go and try other waves, but there’s always THAT wave that just works for you. And in the software industry that wave is nearshoring, and it’s back!

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Nearshore Clara Cunha Nearshore Clara Cunha

A success story of nearshoring collaboration

Picture this: a world where borders don't limit creativity and collaboration. That's what we've achieved with our amazing Portuguese team working at one of our Belgium clients, Tilroy. This story isn't just about software development; it's about building bridges and breaking down walls, literally and figuratively.

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Velv Corporate Nuno Godinho Velv Corporate Nuno Godinho

HR Fórum 2023

With the motto "Reinventing People, transforming organizations," the HR Forum took place last month, and Velv was there. Our HR Director, Nádia, shared with us her main insights.

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Velv Corporate, Nearshore Clara Cunha Velv Corporate, Nearshore Clara Cunha

Overcoming talent retention through nearshore

In today's digital age, software development has become an essential aspect of business growth and success. However, finding and retaining skilled software developers can be challenging, especially for companies based in developed countries, where the competition for talent is fierce. This is where nearshoring comes in, as it offers a solution to this problem by enabling businesses to access a pool of talented developers in nearby countries.

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